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After you complete your donation successfully, you will find the 'GET 80G' button on the payment success page. Please fill in your PAN number, complete address, and name as per PAN and submit. Your 80G certificate will be generated and sent via email within 48 hours. Alternatively, you can get your 80G receipt in a few simple steps:
1. Log in to your account using the same email ID you used for the donation
2.Go to ‘My Donations’
3.Choose the financial year for which you'd like the donation certificate
4.Click on ‘Download 80G Certificate’
5.Fill out the Form (if required)
6.Submit the form and 80G will get downloaded instantly Instead of receiving separate 80G certificates for each donation, you'll receive a consolidated 80G certificate via email covering all your donations made through our platform in the financial year. Further,
The corresponding 10BE form that proves your eligibility for the tax deduction will also be consolidated. This way, you won't have to worry about multiple downloads and can save time.

To qualify for tax exemption on your donations, you need to obtain a 10BE. This can be done by filing your 80G claims for donations made during the Financial Year (FY). You can download your 10BE from the‘My Profile’ section by 31st May of the next FY and also receive it via email. For example: if you made donations between April 2023 and March 2024 (FY 2023-24), you will get your 10BE by 31st May 2024, provided you need to claim the 80G for these donations. Please note that you cannot claim 80G for donations made between April 2022 and March 2023 (FY 2022-23) anymore as the window for claiming it has closed. However, you can still get the 10BEs for that year if you made 80G claims on or before 31st July 2023.

Choose on www.ramlalashram.org close to your heart. Add products to cart and proceed to payment. We have a secured payment gateway that allows you to pay through a wide range of secure payment options.

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